Abuse issues and web sites being compromised on daily basis has become normal due to the huge amount of free scripts being used. Those scripts are open source and the hackers can download and review their code in an attempt to find a security hole which can be used to compromise web sites and use them for various abuse activities such as sending SPAM, uploading phishing web sites, attacking other networks or just consuming the resources of the account for anything they need. That is why it is very important for clients to keep their web sites secure.


Most web hosting providers nowadays are in waiting position about abuse issues since that doesn't affect new orders drastically. It affects existing customers though and Capitan Hosting wants to make sure our existing clients feel confident when using our services. With this, we are implementing a solution wherein we will scan all clients' accounts daily and notify them about potential security problems with their web sites.


Please note that we are being proactive here to find the potential problem before it becomes problematic. If client account becomes problematic, such as it starts sending SPAM, uploads phishing content or starts flooding other networks, the client's account will not be immediately suspended to give chance for clients to resolve mentioned abuse activities and the client will have enough time to secure the account before it starts being used for illegal activities by the hacker and force us to suspend it causing downtime for the compromised account. Most hosting companies will just wait for that to happen and suspend the account while at Capitan Hosting we are not doing that. We are being proactive in scanning all files uploaded by all clients and send a notification with details what was found and what actions are expected from the customer to be made in order to secure the account and keep it active.


Saturday, March 3, 2012

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